Saturday, May 1, 2010

This is it!

This is it. the end things have been tough i have sheded my share of tears, staying up late at night, worrying. Well all I can say I did the best I could with the situation I was in. I wanted to give up but I wouldn't have felt any better I perfer to try than to do nothing at all at least I can say I tried at least. I know things happen for a reason. I wish my luck will change things get better. It's alot going on here all I can do is push forward. I tried to cut down my load some I need a break or maybe one of those vacations I been dreaming about.


It's sunny outside, and you know where my favorite place to be is the beach. I been dreaming even more lately. A lot has been on my mind I just want to sleep it away, but it is known that the problems won't disappear. Everytime I wake up it's back to reality. I can't believe how fast things can go downhill, and the funny thing is alot of it isn't really my problem! Everyone needs help, needs to talk, needs money, a place to stay! Man, I never get a break. My child has been sick and it's like nobody cares its whatever I can help them with it's sad.

crunch time

It is crunch time. Things are hard. So much school work, child ill, hundreds of doctors appt, lost one of my jobs, and trying to not be stressed! I can't wait till this is all over. Right now I just hope things turn out right for me from the looks though everything has gone all wrong. It's so much going on I'm suprised I have not passed out from all this. I will keep trying ..