Sunday, March 28, 2010


Do you know who are your true friends? Would you say most your friends are males or females? well for me it's a mix for me. I do realize that sometimes friends grow apart. I can say I have grown aprt from many of my friends. One friend I have I'm not sure how long we will be friends. We don't talk on the phone, She distant well we both are she knows there are things that I feel are not right that I wouldnt do so she finds someone who does those things she does. We been friends for years sometimes I don't want to be bothered with. My other friend very mature doing things for herself and we hang out talk on the phone and its no drama! As you grow you will beging to find who your friends are and a true meaning of friends.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Have you ever went to the movies after dinner and still had to have that buttery popcorn? I do, when I go out to the movies i have to have some popcorn! I dont know what it is, but I got to have it. I work in a movie theater you would think I would not like to eat popcorn. I think that butter salt smell sucks you in, tricks you into buying popcorn or I just may be greedy! I know Im not the only one out there who feels the way I do. Getting popcorn and a drink is a must it doesnt matter if I just came from dinner. I love popcorn and a movie.

just one of those days

Have you ever had a day that was all on its own. This type of day is like no other typical bad day you have had. My day started off on the rocky side I woke up very tired, I was dragging. I only got up so my children could enjoy the beautiful day. The next thing was I was running late I knew things was going to be rough, but I kept a positive mind set I said to myself its going to be a good day. As soon as we got to the mall my keys were locked in the car. I had to wait almost 2 hours before the people came to pop my lock. By the time everything was over the mall was going to close soon , we went out to eat, and unfortunatly I got home late very late.. I was so upset I just wanted to go home and go to sleep!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Warm weather

I can see it now .. clear skys, sun shining, fresh breeze blowing across your face. I'm talking about warm weather. The kind of weather where you dont need a coat to go outside, not even a jacket. I get so much energy when its warm. Seems like everyone's smiling. Warm weather makes you want to sit outside and relax. It also makes me want to grill! Make some good lemonade and sweet tea, create a fresh garden green salad, fire up the grill and stay outside all night. I love to get some shrimp and crabs, and watermelon! Its the best thing ever. Right now I just sit back and wait for the day I can let the children run loose in the yard and listen to them play while that nice bbq smell is in the air.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Why bother

Sometimes I wonder why bother.. Lately we been picking up the slack for other people, and it have taken a toll on us. I would never believe stress can cause so many wrong turns.
My home isn't my home anymore it's like a stranger has control. I cant buy groceries for my house because if I do he will eat them, and my family wont benefit from it. Hes home all day to use my water, lights, food, couch, yard, everything. He don't even keep that area he sleep in tidy. I'm so sick of extending my hand and getting messed up at the end. Left with nothing after he just drained all he could from us. This is a sad situation. I know you wonder why don't I kick him out.. well the truth is it's my fiance's brother, and he was suppose to leave the beginning of Feb, then mid Feb, now he don't know when and yes it is driving me crazy. I know he wants to help his brother an that's not the problem but he takes advantage and he really don't appreciate it. I just want my house back. Unfortunately, this has caused some arguments between me and mine, but what can I says we both sick of it and cant wait til its We have had to waste money eat out just so he don't eat all the food. Cant wait till its over.