Sunday, February 14, 2010

love ones to intruders

I let my boyfriends brother live with us for a little while. It was only suppose to be only for 2 weeks at the most. It's been over six months. He has no job, no income at all. He sleeps on my sleeper down stairs. Lately thing have taken a turn for the worst. Hes running the bills up, he cant contribute and all he does is talk loud late at night run up and down my stairs. Come on everyday all day. I feel like I'm losing it. I want him to leave. He eats all the food. This makes me not want to buy food or even go down my own stairs.. He gets mad when we say we trying to cut the bills down. For example my heat causes my light bill to shoot from 0 to $500 and up a month I'm sick of paying this high bill and it's mostly because of him. I wonder what people are thinking. he sits in the house everyday, plays the game, play on my pool table, surf the net eat and sleep when he wants and I have two jobs!! I'm paying the bills and he walks around like he pays the bills. It's very nerve recking for me, and I have children. I just cant wait till he's gone. Maybe if I write about it I can deal with this issue better. lately it's been terrible.

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