Friday, April 9, 2010


Life has taken over! Life is hard so the saying is so true. I 've heard it all my life and now I'm experienceing it first hand. Latley I have been behind on everything, my son's asthma has been acting up, my mom been sick, have school to focus on. Having two jobs also plays a roll too because it's not just that! Children is a fulltime job, And a relationship the same. Sometimes thigs can get so frustrating seems like everything is due bills, school assignments, and when one thing knocks you down everything else comes down with it. See what I have to learn is to get it together, and pull it tight. I keep a calender and my schedule is jamed tight no time to squeeze anything in. There are other worrisome things that seem to not go away.. The summer coming and I plan to change alot of things. I learned out of this expirience that you have to be happy for you to suceed. Times are difficult but it would there for long, it will pass. just have to believe.

Friday, April 2, 2010

What is wrong with people!

I wonder about people. What is wrong with them. I know it sounds mean but it's the truth and it is okay to just say what is wrong with people! I say this because there had been some issues that I can't believe can happen. Knowing some of these people, I now say anything can happen.
If you are married and you a cheating with both genders why would you get mad when the people who is not your husband gets into a relationship? What are you thinking? Stop cheating or get a divorce!
When you have five children of your own why are you at my home looking for a man that is not your husband so you can start some drama? What are you thinking? Go home with your children!
When you already have six children and you don't take care of none of them in any way, you don't have a place to stay, no car, owes over ten thousand dollars in child support..why are you still making babies. What is wrong with you? Get your stuff together!
when you are told a guy is no good you are told he's dating your friends cousin, and four other girls and he spreads all their business out ..Why do you add on to his girlfriend list and try to hide it from your BEST FRIEND? Hello your business is all over the place and your Best friend and all his friends knows your business Stop trying to hide it it's no secret!
If your man keep telling you hes coming to see you and he don't you have not seen him in 2 years no support, and he makes lots of excuses but tells you hes terminally ill and you know hes not. Whats wrong with you? Leave him stop being dumb!
There are more but I'm going to end this for now there will be another "Whats wrong with you part 2!


Life isnt easy. Everyone has there share of trails and tribulations. No need to judge it is what it is. Nothing is wrong with that. It helps If you don't go through things first hand you will never learn. I like to think of everyone as being special . Life is a learning process. Life is thrown at you in different ways never the same . You know you can learn something everyday from anyone no matter race, age, religion. It's alway something all you have to do is focus it comes to you. As humans the first thing we think to do is stress we get overwhelmed and everything seems to fall apart. If we dont stress more work gets done , and we will feel alot better. . thank god for that!

In Love

Have you found that one person who completes you? I have My man is like a breath of fresh air. when Im with him I'm automatically on vacation. His dreamy eyes mezmorize me, and every decision I make he supports me. all in all he completes me. I really feel like he is the one you want by your side, the one who can tell you it's going to be okay an it really does! The one I can cuddle with all night and play with all day. He can be serious and gentle at the same time he is the greatest man ever, and I got him. Every stormy day he makes fade away. we have each other's back and that what it is. He is the one!

Decisions Decisions

I have made a decision! I'm going to leave this job.. I just don't know if I can stay for two weeks. I just want to be released from this job. It's like I'm trapped in a bad dream and I can't wake up. I have noticed I have been better since I have not been though. Everything has been messed up dealing with this pain. I'm going to play it by ear I know I will be okay. The Lord has my back always and I will rely on him. Because of this job I used to cry almost every night just because I would have t go. This is hard but I dont want to be in this anymore I have to get insur on my own now, but I don't care. My baby said it's going to be okay he wanted me to get another job first, but I cant take it here it has me so depressed I can't look for a job like this I got to let this go.

So fed up!

I have this job I really dont like.. I spent months making sure I was on top. I work in collections, and trust me I know it's crazy. I want to just quit. Sometimes I find myself just not going because I can't pull myself together to do so. It started when I had a manager who would talk about their employees to other employees which caused drama, but I made it through that too I just stayed to myself. Then I went to day shift and I really wanted this. I ended up on a team of older people who had years with this company.Unfortunatley we are a team but not team oriented at all. When I made this move so did a co worker from my old team as well. I knew things wouldn't be right when the team would make a lady cry, and the manager wouldn't do anything she would actually talk about her to her friends which are her employees under her. I don't like the job , but I was trained, and I perfer to put my best foot forward if I'm going to be there well while doing that my manager decided to tell me that what I had was luck! that really bothered me because I worked hard. It isn't easy trying to help someone and they are cursing you out or having to explain to a customer that you can't help them in no way while they are struggling through this bad economy! After that I felt why work there.. So funny I can miss so many days and still be #1 or #2 on the floor helping my other team mates by carrying our team numbers so we have a better average. Now my manager is asking me to come to work and do all this stuff telling me my team needs's a perfect time to tell her to use her luck to he HER team because I'm through! Here it is and I have not been to work all week. This job stresses me very bad, when I go home I think about the job, I can't sleep at night , and have been very depressed because I have to go. It hurts I fel I been sick because of the high stress levels I endure. I been thinking about writing up a two weeks notice, but wondering if everything will be okay. I'm going to think more on it.. I just know I can't do it.

So behind

My goodness I'm so behind and got to catch up. It seem like everything is coming all at once. Between doctors appointments, home,school, and both jobs! So much going on.I learned to take one thing at a time. Other than stress take my time. That saying when it rains it pours, and it has poured down. I'm ready for whatever comes my way. Im on my way to a new life/ a new world. I see change is good hard to adjust at times, but it's for the better. I really didnt know what to blog about really just that Im behind and it's a mess.