Friday, April 9, 2010


Life has taken over! Life is hard so the saying is so true. I 've heard it all my life and now I'm experienceing it first hand. Latley I have been behind on everything, my son's asthma has been acting up, my mom been sick, have school to focus on. Having two jobs also plays a roll too because it's not just that! Children is a fulltime job, And a relationship the same. Sometimes thigs can get so frustrating seems like everything is due bills, school assignments, and when one thing knocks you down everything else comes down with it. See what I have to learn is to get it together, and pull it tight. I keep a calender and my schedule is jamed tight no time to squeeze anything in. There are other worrisome things that seem to not go away.. The summer coming and I plan to change alot of things. I learned out of this expirience that you have to be happy for you to suceed. Times are difficult but it would there for long, it will pass. just have to believe.

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