Friday, April 2, 2010

What is wrong with people!

I wonder about people. What is wrong with them. I know it sounds mean but it's the truth and it is okay to just say what is wrong with people! I say this because there had been some issues that I can't believe can happen. Knowing some of these people, I now say anything can happen.
If you are married and you a cheating with both genders why would you get mad when the people who is not your husband gets into a relationship? What are you thinking? Stop cheating or get a divorce!
When you have five children of your own why are you at my home looking for a man that is not your husband so you can start some drama? What are you thinking? Go home with your children!
When you already have six children and you don't take care of none of them in any way, you don't have a place to stay, no car, owes over ten thousand dollars in child support..why are you still making babies. What is wrong with you? Get your stuff together!
when you are told a guy is no good you are told he's dating your friends cousin, and four other girls and he spreads all their business out ..Why do you add on to his girlfriend list and try to hide it from your BEST FRIEND? Hello your business is all over the place and your Best friend and all his friends knows your business Stop trying to hide it it's no secret!
If your man keep telling you hes coming to see you and he don't you have not seen him in 2 years no support, and he makes lots of excuses but tells you hes terminally ill and you know hes not. Whats wrong with you? Leave him stop being dumb!
There are more but I'm going to end this for now there will be another "Whats wrong with you part 2!

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